Tales from GameStop

When you’re an intern at Gamestop, you meet a lot of weird people.  Sometimes, like this time, that I am writing about, right now, someone trades in a spooky scary game.  This was one of those times.

“I would like to trade in this spooky scary game,” said the man who was turning in the spooky scary game.  I looked at it.  It was a spooky scary Pokemon Green game.  These are always fun to give people.  He left after giving me the game.

I looked at the cartridge and pulled out my spooky scary games checklist.  No sticker?  Check!  Spooky scary title written in Sharpie?  Check!  I put it in my Gameboy 3DS XL SP Advance Cube 64 & Knuckles featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series.  The title screen was blood red and the Pokemon was a Venusaur who was bleeding hyperrealistically.   I opened the save file that said “GET OUT.”

I received an Eevee and tried to evolve it, but it said “Don’t you love me for who I am?”  I was like “fine have it your way” and didn’t evolve the Eevee but then it said “why won’t you let me EVOLVE” and I said “omg shut up ur annoying and ur like 12 go play cod or something filthy casual smh” and it was SUICIDED!!!!11!!!

Then GOST GARRY N GOST RED came and also arrived and they were like “lets battle” and I was like “ok” and we battled and they took out my Eevee and the screen said “eevee was DIED” but Pokemon don’t die then my character was sent out.

Then Garry and Red were all like “FUUUUSIOOON HA” and became BURIED ALIVE and they ate my character and he was died.  Then I was died.

A customer came in and asked for a copy of Pokemon Red.  I came back to life and gave him the game I had just played.  Haha sucker.

Also I’m god.  I’m working at Gamestop because LOOK BEHIND YOU